(Go to our site www.anderson-memorials.co.nz)
The Anderson Family has been working in the monumental & stone industry for over 100 years. We are foundation members of the New Zealand Master Monumental Masons Association. We have a large range of quality headstones to choose from or we can create a personalised unique memorial design to suit your needs. Our family owned and operated Headstone Shops service the greater Wanganui, Manawatu & surrounding districts through their caring staff and registered tradesmen.

Palmerston North Office

Feilding Showroom
- 06 343 8708
- info@anderson-memorials.co.nz
- 462 Somme Parade, Whanganui
PO Box 4005, Whanganui 4541
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm, Saturday: by appointment
- 06 323 6616
- info@anderson-memorials.co.nz
- 14 MacArthur Street Feilding
PO Box 520, Feilding 4702
Tuesday and Friday: 10am - 4pm, Other Days: by appointment
Palmerston North
- 06 356 4782
- pn@anderson-memorials.co.nz
- 707 Main Street, Palmerston North
PO Box 5065, Palmerston North 4441
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm, Saturday: by appointment